Page name: bakas united [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-06-18 17:17:47
Last author: Raiko Fire
Owner: Raiko Fire
# of watchers: 29
Fans: 0
D20: 14
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Welocome to Bakas United!

Where an idiot can be an idoit(<----)! ^_^'

(and for people who don't know what baka means, it's Japanse for idiot, dummy, stupid, etc.)

[Keeper of Darkness]

1st offials

[Raiko Fire]-President

The Bakas (the members)

Random Fun Links-


- (Ways to annoy people) (I'm too sexy, with Snape)

- (lots of funny videos)

- (maybe a little crude at times. (Curse words and some sexual passes), but very funny.)

-Stupid Quotes

-Baka Stadium

-What's My Age Again?

Rules for Living

Gallery of Uselessness

Contests various members are holding:(Please edit out ones that are finished)


<img:>-Fox-People Army
<img:>- The Kitty Club<img:>- Fox and Hound Club
<img:>- meeps unite
<img:>- fox-halflings unite<img:>-The anime guild
Rei's Rotating JRock Files

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2004-02-29 [Raiko Fire]: and makes you barf. T.T carrot

2004-02-29 [YokoTsuta]: shutup!

2004-02-29 [oxyJ3N]:

2004-02-29 [YokoTsuta]: you too! *shoves ice cream cake down your shirt* ^^ that's much better

2004-02-29 [Raiko Fire]: o.o;

2004-02-29 [YokoTsuta]: ^^

2004-02-29 [oxyJ3N]: noooo i am sorry reallyi didnt mean to laugh*get on knees and beggs katie not to do it again*i am sorry really!!

2004-02-29 [YokoTsuta]: .......*ponders*............*shoves some down Rei's shirt*

2004-02-29 [Raiko Fire]: ¬¬ *eats some of the cake* ^^

2004-02-29 [YokoTsuta]: *laughs hysterically*

2004-03-01 [Drow Elf]: hey everybody

2004-03-01 [YokoTsuta]: hewwo!

2004-03-01 [Drow Elf]: hi

2004-03-01 [YokoTsuta]: whee!

2004-03-01 [Drow Elf]: wuts with the "whee" thing

2004-03-01 [Raiko Fire]: *shoves cake down yoko's shirt**evil grin*

2004-03-01 [YokoTsuta]: *shoves cake down the FRONT of Rei's shirt*

2004-03-01 [Raiko Fire]: *strips and runs around the room wildly* o.o (okay, not really. not like I would EVER do this n.n)

2004-03-01 [YokoTsuta]: my eyes! *looks away hastily*

2004-03-01 [Drow Elf]: u guys r crazy...wait....i am too

2004-03-01 [Raiko Fire]: *jumps into her pool* o.o

2004-03-01 [Drow Elf]: just maybe not THAT crazy

2004-03-01 [YokoTsuta]: don't do that!

2004-03-01 [inazuma]: Yaay, pool! *begins to jump in before remembering she can't swim* O.O;

2004-03-01 [Raiko Fire]: *quickly puts water wings on inazuma*

2004-03-01 [YokoTsuta]: *shuffles away from pool*

2004-03-01 [inazuma]: ^.^ Bwee!! *begins to float around aimlessly*

2004-03-01 [Drow Elf]: where did this cake come from in the first place

2004-03-01 [YokoTsuta]: dunno.....

2004-03-03 [tindomerel]: hi^_^

2004-03-03 [Raiko Fire]: cake myseriously appears here ^-^

2004-03-04 [Vynnie]: -looks around, clueless-

2004-03-04 [Raiko Fire]: *shves cake down tora's shirt*

2004-03-05 [YokoTsuta]: *ROFL*

2004-03-06 [Geo Y]: can I ask a stupid question?...wait i just did. YEA!!!

2004-03-06 [Shiki_Mikado]: O_o.. that was stupid...

2004-03-06 [Kai Ken]: hi

2004-03-06 [oxyJ3N]: lol

2004-03-06 [YokoTsuta]: *laughs harder*

2004-03-06 [oxyJ3N]: have been laughing at me all morning

2004-03-06 [YokoTsuta]: that's cuz you've been acting stupid all morning.

2004-03-06 [oxyJ3N]: ... hey!!

2004-03-06 [YokoTsuta]: it's true!

2004-03-06 [Raiko Fire]: can anyone else not see some of the smilies?

2004-03-06 [YokoTsuta]: me

2004-03-06 [oxyJ3N]: ....i cant see some of the smilies....someone should fix it...

2004-03-06 [Raiko Fire]: delete them. Jen, you found them on my laptop, I have no freaking idea where you got em

2004-03-06 [YokoTsuta]: *laughs*

2004-03-06 [oxyJ3N]:

2004-03-07 [RoninX]: hee hee bye, *falls in a manhole*

2004-03-07 [Kai Ken]: hey ya

2004-03-07 [YokoTsuta]: hewwo!

2004-03-07 [Kai Ken]: ko?

2004-03-07 [YokoTsuta]: wha?

2004-03-07 [Kai Ken]: ok?

2004-03-07 [YokoTsuta]: oh.....

2004-03-07 [Kai Ken]: yeah

2004-03-07 [oxyJ3N]: ...?

2004-03-07 [YokoTsuta]: ^^

2004-03-07 [oxyJ3N]: ok then...

2004-03-07 [YokoTsuta]: ^^

2004-03-07 [RoninX]: rrrrright

2004-03-07 [YokoTsuta]: ello!

2004-03-07 [oxyJ3N]: HI

2004-03-07 [YokoTsuta]: I made a new friend! ^^

2004-03-07 [oxyJ3N]: wahoo!(says sarcastically)

2004-03-07 [YokoTsuta]: *pokes you*

2004-03-07 [Kai Ken]: hi

2004-03-07 [YokoTsuta]: ello!

2004-03-07 [oxyJ3N]: hi

2004-03-08 [Kai Ken]: how re u?

2004-03-08 [YokoTsuta]: ello, again.

2004-03-09 [fire sign]: can I join?

2004-03-09 [Raiko Fire]: sure..sure...

2004-03-09 [Shishiru]: o.o; wee!

2004-03-09 [fire sign]: w00t!!

2004-03-09 [VictoryBulldog]: Hey whats up guys

2004-03-09 [YokoTsuta]: don't know.

2004-03-09 [Raiko Fire]: *shoves cake down yoko's shirt.....again*

2004-03-09 [YokoTsuta]: *throws a ball at your head*

2004-03-09 [Raiko Fire]: *doges it* that's a great thankyou for Fruits Basket T.T

2004-03-09 [Raiko Fire]: and to think I was gonna get you a 'baka shirt' from animenation online ¬¬ well, it's just Jen and me then...

2004-03-09 [YokoTsuta]: you're a pain in the a**!

2004-03-09 [Raiko Fire]: yeah? well you're a pain in the knee! >.<


2004-03-09 [Raiko Fire]: I own the wiki and just deleted that comment T.T Wendy was yelling at me, anyways

2004-03-09 [YokoTsuta]: no you didn't. and it was your fault. you knew that we were throwing a ball back and forth.

2004-03-13 [oxyJ3N]: hey what did you say about me...?

2004-03-13 [oxyJ3N]: something about a baka shirt ...what did i do...?

2004-03-13 [YokoTsuta]: not you! which comment did you delete?

2004-03-13 [Raiko Fire]: I'm gonna order some shirts from Anime Nation that have baka on them, I'll show you later

2004-03-13 [Kai Ken]: hi

2004-03-13 [Raiko Fire]: hi hi

2004-03-13 [YokoTsuta]: hi hi how are you? (I do this just to annoy you)

2004-03-13 [Raiko Fire]: ;-;

2004-03-13 [YokoTsuta]: ^_^

2004-03-13 [Raiko Fire]: some how I knew you were going to do that -.-

2004-03-13 [YokoTsuta]: duh!

2004-03-13 [Kai Ken]: ok O¯â—‹

2004-03-13 [YokoTsuta]: ^^

2004-03-14 [oxyJ3N]: .....

2004-03-14 [YokoTsuta]: boo!

2004-03-14 [oxyJ3N]: hey thats the nameofone of karas cats, boo

2004-03-14 [YokoTsuta]: that's great.

2004-03-14 [oxyJ3N]: i know...^_^;

2004-03-14 [YokoTsuta]: I am a sarcastic person, ain't I?

2004-03-14 [oxyJ3N]: ..... oh im sure your not sarcastic at all not one bit

2004-03-14 [YokoTsuta]: thank you, little sarcastic demon kitty. i appreciate your support.

2004-03-14 [oxyJ3N]: ...what? why?support on what?

2004-03-14 [YokoTsuta]: that I'm not sarcastic in any way.

2004-03-15 [oxyJ3N]: nope not at all

2004-03-15 [YokoTsuta]: ^^ (the past conversation has not had a single shred of sarcasm)

2004-03-15 [oxyJ3N]: lol

2004-03-15 [oxyJ3N]: nope not one tiny bit

2004-03-15 [YokoTsuta]: *stuffs cake down Jen's shirt* mwahaha!

2004-03-15 [oxyJ3N]: now thats evil...but at least it wasnt my bra...

2004-03-15 [Raiko Fire]: are you even wearing a bra today? o.0

2004-03-15 [YokoTsuta]: besides, you and Katie stuff cake down my shirt all the time.

2004-03-15 [oxyJ3N]: yes !!!you baka!!!

2004-03-15 [oxyJ3N]: so...

2004-03-15 [YokoTsuta]: sje was just making sure. and now that I know....*stuffs cake down Jen's bra* whee!

2004-03-15 [oxyJ3N]: hey !!!!! katie !!!! shi!!!!! now

2004-03-15 [YokoTsuta]: no, cuz you only figured out that word cuz i told Katie who told you. baka!

2004-03-15 [oxyJ3N]: no i was watching her when she was changing her mood ^^

2004-03-17 [yuki undefined]: Hellooooo Yes i'm baka.

2004-03-17 [Raiko Fire]: HI ^__________________________^

2004-03-17 [yuki undefined]: LOL HIII!! you are from the Yu Yu contest page thingy. ^ ^

2004-03-17 [Raiko Fire]: um..yes, I made both wikis

2004-03-17 [yuki undefined]: ^_____^

2004-03-17 [yuki undefined]: I love your pictures firespiritrei and your kitties are SOO ADORABLE!!

2004-03-17 [Raiko Fire]: =^-^= meow

2004-03-17 [Kai Ken]: mew

2004-03-17 [Raiko Fire]: hi o.o

2004-03-17 [yuki undefined]: O.o

2004-03-17 [raynesprite]: ppl check out:endless possibility

2004-03-18 [Kai Ken]: ○¯O

2004-03-18 [BakaBouya]: peas.. are.. green.. and i ate a lot... now i have a green tint to my skin... its weird.

2004-03-18 [yuki undefined]: ewww icky! I like peas, but not green skin!

2004-03-19 [YokoTsuta]: ^_^ green skin? oO

2004-03-19 [yuki undefined]: lol O.o

2004-03-19 [YokoTsuta]: that's.....different.

2004-03-19 [YokoTsuta]: *twitch*

2004-03-21 [yuki undefined]: quite

2004-03-22 [YokoTsuta]: hehe...*shuffles away slowly*....

2004-03-28 [Raiko Fire]: hello new person! ^^

2004-03-28 [YokoTsuta]: whee!

2004-04-02 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: HE'WO!!

2004-04-02 [yuki undefined]: eloo all ^^

2004-04-02 [Kaimee]: eep ello added anime guild to the allies list ^_^

2004-04-02 [Raiko Fire]: okies and welcome aboard! ^-^

2004-04-02 [YokoTsuta]: savvy?

2004-04-02 [yuki undefined]: ^____^

2004-04-02 [YokoTsuta]: had to say tha'. ^^

2004-04-02 [Raiko Fire]: hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ^__________________________________________________________^

2004-04-02 [Raiko Fire]: and I had to say that o0

2004-04-02 [YokoTsuta]: nope. I'm talking in an odd accent. ^^ don't know wha' the 'ell i' is. ^^ some'in li' that'.

2004-04-02 [Raiko Fire]: *whacks Katie* stop that! T.T

2004-04-02 [yuki undefined]: *_*....?? *watching*

2004-04-02 [YokoTsuta]: hehe....stop wha'? I don' see nuh'in wron'. ^^

2004-04-03 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: cuz it's friday, i ain't got no job, and i ain't got nuttin to do

2004-04-03 [YokoTsuta]: ???

2004-04-04 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: SMOKEY!! SMOKEY!!! SMOKEY, SMOKEY, SMOKEY!!!! Lemme wash your car for 2 dollars!

2004-04-04 [Kuramasgirl]: 0.0

2004-04-04 [YokoTsuta]: what's smokey?

2004-04-05 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: don't ask...WASSUP BIG PERM...I MEAN BIG WORM?!

2004-04-05 [yuki undefined]: 2 dollars! I have 3 dollars! BW HA!

2004-04-05 [Raiko Fire]: o.o;;;;;;;; *twitch*

2004-04-05 [yuki undefined]: no wait! *recounts* I have 4!! BWAHAHAHA

2004-04-05 [Raiko Fire]: o.0 *cough* allrighty then...

2004-04-05 [Raiko Fire]: I have 5!....quarters <.< >.>

2004-04-05 [yuki undefined]: I have 4 dollars! 4 is less then 5 but more that 5 in dollars! MUAHAHA

2004-04-05 [Raiko Fire]: heh?

2004-04-05 [yuki undefined]: *blinks*

2004-04-07 [Nuktae-tal]: baka's it"s ME!!!!!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA*cough cough gasp weez*

2004-04-07 [Nuktae-tal]: *falls over backwards*

2004-04-07 [Raiko Fire]: oo

2004-04-07 [YokoTsuta]: *twitch*

2004-04-08 [Kaimee]: i just rewalised iv been sitting here like 10 mins staring blankly and making fish faces. and ppl have walked past and seen me -.- brilliant

2004-04-08 [Raiko Fire]: o.0 yes, very brilliant indeed *nod nod*

2004-04-08 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: I'M AN IDIOT PEOPLE! SO SUE ME!!!! WAIT! I don't mean it! I only have 3 cents!

2004-04-08 [yuki undefined]: sue for the three cents!! I can add it to my collection of SHINY COPPER COINS! MUahahahaha!!

2004-04-08 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: but u don't have a lawyer now do u? MUAHAHAHA!!!!

2004-04-08 [YokoTsuta]: *listens to conversation* *question mark appears over head*

2004-04-09 [yuki undefined]: no..*says sadly* ...well...So what if I dont have a lawyer...hmph..and..and..YOUR SHORT! HMPH!! *runs off crying*

2004-04-09 [Raiko Fire]: ...o.0;;;

2004-04-10 [neowolf_92612]: hi

2004-04-10 [oxyJ3N]: ...hiiii...

2004-04-10 [Three Tailed Fox]: Konnichi wa!

2004-04-10 [oxyJ3N]: hi!

2004-04-10 [Three Tailed Fox]: Hewwo, nice to eat--I mean meet--you!

2004-04-10 [oxyJ3N]: lol, ok then...

2004-04-10 [Three Tailed Fox]: X3

2004-04-10 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: ME IS A BAKA!!!! ^_________^ duz any1 like Yu Yu Hakusho? Join my wiki! Yu Yu Hakusho Fans Unite!

2004-04-10 [Three Tailed Fox]: Nope, sorry, but I'm not into YYH.

2004-04-10 [YokoTsuta]: ^^

2004-04-10 [Raiko Fire]: I did

2004-04-11 [neowolf_92612]: IM an baca c c c i am baka but baka i ckool u kno

2004-04-11 [Three Tailed Fox]: lol

2004-04-11 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: la da da da da....CHICKEN FLAVORED PIXIE STICK!!!!!!

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